


The Trick!,  patinated and bronze, golden leafs, 2/5 100x125 cm, 2005, Herman Bergman foundry, Stockholm
The Trick!, patinated and bronze, golden leafs, 2/5 100x125 cm, 2005, Herman Bergman foundry, Stockholm

The Trick!

"I don't re all y know why I changed my ticket to New York from the 9th to the

13th September 2001. But 9/11 intervened; I stayed in Sweden and started to work on The Trick ...

It was certainly not an illustration or even some comment on Bulgakov's remarkable book Master and Margarita that drove me on. I only borrowed a personality of sorts...

How the painting would look was a mystery to me, though I knew what it should not be. So I painted it again and again...

Several versions appeared and finally I carved a large relief in oak, followed by shaping a synthesis of the carving and my painting in clay. The work was completed and cast in bronze at the tradition-rich Bergmans foundry in Stockholm.

I'm surprised at the stubbornness with which I've grasped the vision now that

I show THE TRICK on September 11 three years later... And then my mind plays a joke on me - suddenly, while I'm jotting down these words. I look up the word 'trick' in a thesaurus (Longman's from 1986) and read dupe, cully, gull, cozen, defraud, cheat, bluff, fake. But it should have been words like prank, caper, stunt, mischief, practical joke, spoof, antics, shenanigans, horseplay, monkey-tricks and tomfoolery ..."

Catalogue text for an exhibition in Navet (The Hub), Lindholmen Science Park, Gothteburg 2004

The Trick, relief in painted oakwood, 125x100 cm. 2002-04. In the collection of Campus Varberg, Sweden
The Trick, relief in painted oakwood, 125x100 cm. 2002-04. In the collection of Campus Varberg, Sweden
The Trick I. Painting; tempera and oil, 155x125 cm, 2001-02
The Trick I. Painting; tempera and oil, 155x125 cm, 2001-02
The Trick II. Painting; tempera and oil, 155x125 cm, 2001-02
The Trick II. Painting; tempera and oil, 155x125 cm, 2001-02

Tricket — The Trick

Published to the exhibition at MARS Gallery of Contemporary Art, Moscow 2006

Text: Torsten jurell
Layout: Torsten jurell
Manifest 2006. ISBN 91 8929 22 0
128 p
Language:' Russan/English/Swedish
Special edition: 100 num. ex with a woodcut print and a DVD